Instruments & sensors

A lot of various instruments and sensors are used on the experimental site, installed underground, on the soil surface, on tree stems or on the tower structure, within or above the canopy.

List of sensors and instruments in use

Type of measurement Trademark Model Variable Location
EddyFlux Gill HS-50 Windspeed in 3D top of tower
EddyFlux LiCor Li7200 Enclosed path CO2 & H2O analyzer top of tower
EddyFlux Gill R3-50 Windspeed in 3D top of tower
EddyFlux LiCor Li7500 Open path CO2 & H2O analyzer top of tower
Storage LiCor Li840 Closed path CO2 & H2O analyzer bottom of tower
Wind profile Gill WindSonic x6 03m, 11m, 17m, 23m, 29m, 37m from bottom to top of tower
Air temperature and relative humidity profile Vaisala HMP155A x6 03m, 11m, 17m, 23m, 29m, 37m from bottom to top of tower
Soil respiration LiCor Li8100A CO2 & H2O analyzer with four chambers on the ground
Soil water content Sentek Enviroscan x4 Every 10cm from -10cm to -150cm underground
Soil temperature Thermocouple Type-T x4 -4cm, -8cm, -16cm, -32cm, -64cm underground
Soil heat flux HukseFlux HFP01SC x4 -6cm underground
Radiation Kipp & Zonen CMP22 Global radiation top of tower
Radiation Kipp & Zonen CNR4 Net radiation top of tower
Radiation Kipp & Zonen PQS1 x2 Incoming and reflected PAR top of tower
Radiation Kipp & Zonen PQS1 x15 Transmitted PAR on the ground
Radiation Delta T BF5 Diffuse and direct PAR, Sun duration top of tower
Radiation Proprietary NDVI sensor NDVI top of tower
Radiation Skye PRI x3 Incoming and reflected x2 top of tower
Micrometeo Thygan VTP37 Dew point Thermo-hygrometer top of tower
Micrometeo Vaisala HMD30YB Air temperature and relative humidity top of tower
Micrometeo Young 61302V Air pressure top of tower
Micrometeo Précis Mécanique 3029/2 Total rainfall top of tower
Micrometeo Vaisala HMP155A Temperature and relative humidity of air top of tower
Canopy temperature Campbell Sci. IR120 x3 three directions top of tower
Sapflow rate UP GmbH x24 oak and hornbeams transpiration rate on trees
Growth Univ. of Oulu ELPA98 x10 oak and hornbeams stem radial growth on trees